EndALSP Fundraiser was a huge success!
September 30, 2022
ALSP fundraiser raises more than $20,000
More than 200 people attended the End ALSP Fundraiser in honor of Jeff Cade at the Porterville Fairgrounds on Saturday which was organized by Jeff’s mother Janie Dignam, and his sister Kim Cade.
The Master of Ceremonies for the festivities during the evening was A.J. Fox from KSEE 24.
There was a delicious dinner catered by Noel in Visalia, a silent and live auction and 30 drawing prizes as well.
There was lively music and dancing with the Classic All Stars Band, and everyone had a great time.
Organizers thanked the five major sponsors of the event: Laubacher Construction, Cadieux Martin Foundation, Dr. Robert D. and Arlina Gillette Eye & Vision Center, OACYS, and the Tulare County Board of Supervisors.
More than $20,000 was raised which will be donated to Sisters’ Hope Foundation to conduct ALSP medical research. Cade has been diagnosed with ALSP, a rapidly progressive and neurodegenerative disease.
Those who weren’t able to attend the fundraiser and would like to make a donation can mail a check to Sisters’ Hope Foundation, P.O. Box 12, Myerstown, Pa. 17067 or visit www.sistershopefoundation.org
ALSP fundraiser raises more than $20,000 | Photos | recorderonline.com